Bell Ringing to Support LISTEN Community Services' Heating Helpers Program and Hanover NH Rotary Charities

This year Hanover Rotarians will once again ring bells on Main Street during the Holidays. This year's campaign raises funds for two worthy causes: LISTEN Community Services' Heating Helpers Program and the philanthropic activities of Hanover NH Rotary Charities. In the last two years Hanover Rotary and sponsors and supporters in the community have donated over $70,000 to Rotary's Bell Ringing campaign.
LISTEN provides critical energy assistance to help over 1,500 Upper Valley neighbors stay warm each year during the winter months. The need has never been greater with high inflation and continued high fuel and electricity costs. 
Hanover NH Rotary Charities is an active charitable organization providing grants to Upper Valley nonprofit organizations, college scholarships to Hanover High School students, and financial support to student exchange programs at Hanover High.
Please donate generously by clicking on the link below or by mail to:
Hanover NH Rotary Charities Inc.
P.O. Box 381, Hanover, NH 03755

Tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Thank you!